Hair Transplantation

Focus Area: Cost of Hair Transplant Abroad, Hairs Recovery Methods, Cost, FUE Price, Surgery, FUT Procedure, Laser Hair Restoration, Hairloss Clinic

Hair Transplant Abroad

Hair Transplantation Treatment Abroad

Hair transplant is one of the many types of hair restoration treatments used to enhance our appearance. Though most commonly utilized by men, to restore their beard mustache or the signs of balding, women are also taking advantage of the many hair transplant procedures available worldwide, for fuller, healthier hair.

The treatments for hair regrowth including hair transplant are for treating problems caused by hair loss due to weak hair follicles, alopecia (balding) but also to restore hair growth on areas where hair roots have disappeared due to scarring and burn marks.

The types of hair transplant treatments worldwide have evolved during the past decade and have gained massive popularity. The most common hair transplant techniques are:

Surgical Hair Restoration Methods

Non-surgical Hair Restoration Methods

  • Laser Hair Restoration

Hair Transplantation Methods Abroad

Various methods of hair regrowth and transplants

Scalp reduction is one of the oldest ways that improve the hairline and the method is still applied nowadays. The method of scalp reduction involves the surgical removal of the balding area, stretching the hair-covered area to cover the former balding parts.

This is only available to those who have available donor hair on the back and sides of the scalp.  Nowadays – this method is rarely used or, it is used alongside FUE and/or FUT.

FUT stands for Follicular Unit Transplantation, which involves the transplantation of a strip of hair to an area that has no hair. In practice for a few decades, now, FUT is still a popular procedure performed worldwide on patients who have minimal hair growth and baldness.

High-resolution microscopes and a steady surgeon’s hand makes this operation successful. The downside of FUT is that in some cases the patient is left with a linear scar. However, the newest FUE hair transplant method reduces the scarring to almost zero – which is barely seen by the human eye.

FUE stands for Follicular Unit Extraction, which involves the extraction and re-implantation of each hair follicle separately.

The actual procedure requires the surgeon to extract the hair from the area that has plenty of hairs – such as the back of the head or the sides, and then carefully re-implanting it in the bald area. The damage in both the donor and receiver area is minimal making the FUE hair transplant method a new favorite for men and women worldwide.

Laser hair restoration is a non-surgical hair restoration method that involved a laser comb. The technique is used to stimulate and increase blood circulation within the scalp and the hair follicle, leading to healthier hairs. When faced with thinning hair, this type of treatment is effective, yet in the case of bald spots, it is not recommended. This type of hair treatment procedure does not utilize any type of surgery or creams.

How Much Does Hair Transplant Cost

How Much Does Hair Transplant Cost?

In the United States, laser hair combs cost between $400 and $1,170, and sometimes more. Hair restoration surgeries such as FUE and FUT cost between $2,000 and $10,000 in the US, however, destinations such as Thailand, Mexico, India, and Turkey have quickly been gaining grounds, as the same FUE and FUT hair transplant procedures are performed at a fraction of the costs found in the US, UK, Canada and Australia.

The cost of each procedure is determined by the number of grafts or hairs that are involved in a specific technique or procedure. A single graft typically transplants three to four shafts of hair.  

Who Performs Hair Transplant Treatments?

A trained and certified physician or a certified hair transplant surgeon should perform hair transplant treatments. Always make sure to inquire about the medical training obtained as well as medical associations or societies the surgeon belongs to.


To learn about the many destinations available for hair transplant procedures contact us by clicking below!

Hair Transplant Treatment Abroad

By: PlacidWay,

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